Hawaii Space Exploration Analog and Simulation Mission 3 crew members and Kim Binsted, HI-SEAS’ principal investigator, pose for a photo in front of the HI-SEAS dome on Mauna Loa. The six crew members entered the dome last Wednesday and will spend the next eight months there simulating a mission on Mars. The simulation is the longest tried in the United States, according to HI-SEAS. From left, Neil Scheibelhut, Sophie Milam, Zak Wilson, Binsted, Jocelyn Dunn, Allen Mirkadyrov and Martha Lenio. Scheibelhut and Milam are University of Hawaii at Hilo graduates. For more about the mission, visit hi-seas.org.
Hawaii Space Exploration Analog and Simulation Mission 3 crew members and Kim Binsted, HI-SEAS’ principal investigator, pose for a photo in front of the HI-SEAS dome on Mauna Loa. The six crew members entered the dome last Wednesday and will spend the next eight months there simulating a mission on Mars. The simulation is the longest tried in the United States, according to HI-SEAS. From left, Neil Scheibelhut, Sophie Milam, Zak Wilson, Binsted, Jocelyn Dunn, Allen Mirkadyrov and Martha Lenio. Scheibelhut and Milam are University of Hawaii at Hilo graduates. For more about the mission, visit hi-seas.org.